I tend to sew Phoebe a lot more clothes in the summer than in the winter. I think it's because these light, summery, cotton prints just scream sunshine and warm weather; whereas I associate thick, cozy knits with winter. And since I don't knit, Phoebe's wardrobe tends to be a bit lacking in the cold weather clothes.
Anyway, since we've been spending lots of outdoor time lately and making multiple trips to the kiddie pool in the backyard everyday, Phoebe hasn't been wearing much more than a diaper lately. I thought I'd at least pretty it up a bit by throwing a pair of bloomers on top.
These were made with using the Ruby's Bloomers pattern from Heather Ross' Weekend Sewing. They come together so quickly and only use a half yard of fabric for each pair. My only warning is that the sizing is terrible. Phoebe is currently wearing a size 2T, and she fits perfectly into the 6-12 month size bloomers. I actually made a pair back when she was only six months old and she was swimming in them. At least they fit her great now - a year and a half later. So as long as you keep that in mind, it's a great, quick sew!
These are so adorable!